Hawkfaries (appologies on the mess)
Stier, Christopher
Christopher.Stier at LEXIS-NEXIS.COM
Wed Oct 30 15:04:55 EST 1996
You know, I may be the only person on this list that likes this CD...I'm
not going to put it near the top of my favorites but there are some
pretty cool freak-out jams on it. D-Rider does sound pretty cool. BTW,
the last track is listed as Stormbringer. Where is it?
Chris Stier
San Francisco x4445
If we could just get everyone to close their eyes and visualize world
peace for an hour, imagine how serene and quiet it would be until the
looting started.
>From: Bryan Pitkin[SMTP:pitkin at MARYWOOD1.MARYWOOD.EDU]
>Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 1996 5:38 AM
>To: Multiple recipients of list BOC-L
>Subject: Hawkfaries (appologies on the mess)
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>Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 13:28:09 E
>From: pitkin at marywood1.marywood.edu
>Reply-To: pitkin at ac.marywood.edu
>To: boc-l-listserve.spc.edu at ac.marywood.edu
>Message-ID: <009AA9EE.A7EA45E0.16 at marywood1.marywood.edu>
>Subject: Hawk Faries
>To all who are interested:
>I was recently flipping thru an issue of "Goldmine" and came across an
>advert for Worldwide CD in thier listings for HW was this:
>it was described as Nik Turner, Twink and gang live April 15, 1995
>it's price was marked at $27 US plus shipping.
>Is this worth getting? What's on it? Bootleg?
>I figured I'd post this, a while back there was a Q as to what Nik was doing
>you can contact them via E-mail:
>on an unrelated note. Space Bandits was the first HW album I ever accuired
>so it has some sentimental attachment. besides, just look at the live
>versions of some songs on California Brainstorm (Wishart was amazing on
>that album)
>############################...just my two cents.
>bryan pitkin at ac.marywood.edu
>obCD The Elevator Drops- killer track "Shangrila"
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