OFF : Mournblade
Jon Browne
Wed Sep 4 05:05:41 EDT 1996
In message <UPMAIL01.199609031341170442 at>, Andrew Gilham
<Andy_Gilham at MSN.COM> writes
>Shame the production's so lousy, really - they were a lot of fun! Much like
>early Mournblade...
>- Andy
I dusted off my copy of "Time's Running Out" (Hello, Can You Hear Me?)
just recently. In fact, I was playing it to a mate just this Sunday. I
posted some recollections of Mournblade gigs at alt.books.moorcock about
six months ago. I know we've been going to the same gigs for about 18
years without meeting, Andy, but you never saw Mournblade, did you? I
saw 'em 8-10 times, best show was Oxford New Age Fayre ('84? '85?)
Whatever happened to Duncan Mullett and his sodding great Astral Rune-
Dagger! Here it comes, heat-seeking, SideWinder! SideWinder! And the
crowd, all 8 of us, went crazy!
Jon Browne
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