Trivia File Addendum

Johan Edlundh hawkjoe at EKA.ERICSSON.SE
Fri Sep 13 00:59:41 EDT 1996

At 22:42 1996-09-12 UT, you wrote:
>>The Dawn of Hawkwind cover is penned by the famous covermaker Roger >Dean.
>>It is originally made for the soundtrack of Roman Polanski's movie of
>>(it's the three witches scene at the beginning of the play...)
>That was the 1972 Third Ear Band album, featuring Simon House, on Harvest,
>n'est-ce pas...  "Dawn of" is a bootleg, isn't it, so I guess they bootlegged
>the cover art too!

I found the pic in the Roger Dean book "Views" (pg61?) and had a deja vĂ¹ feeling for a moment. I should have went into the vinyl room instead, I suppose :0)
Yes, "Dawn of" is a boot.

>- Andy


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