OFF: Re: me, myself and I

Carl E. Anderson cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Wed Sep 18 15:46:49 EDT 1996

> On Wed, 18 Sep 1996, Carl E. Anderson wrote:
> >         I am the Real Steve Swann.
> I am currently casting for an upcoming blockbuster sword 'n' sandal epic
> entitled "Swanntacus."  Sounds like you might come in handy for a scene
> near the end.  All interested parties should contact me at their latest
> convenience... ;-)

        That's OK--I'm allergic to crucifixion .... ;)

> obCD: The Bevis Frond, _It Just Is_

        And my order for _Son of Walter_ went out yesterday.  Plus,
after some harrassing, Ade Shaw managed to come up with a copy of
Magic Muscle's _Gulp!_ with Nick, Ade, and Simon House on it! :)


Carl Edlund Anderson                           *  "Lever vi inte i ett
cea20 at                            *   fritt land kanske?"   *
Dept. of ASNAC Studies, Cambridge U.           *   -- Pippi Langstrump

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