OFF: Absinth (was: Fu Manchu)
Christian Mumford
mumford at EUNET.NO
Thu Sep 26 03:35:56 EDT 1996
Daniel Wikdahl wrote:
> At 06:35 PM 9/25/96 -0400, you wrote:
> >Daniel muses:
> >
> >>But this is something you have to consider; in alcohol there is only one
> >>substance that affects your mind, the alcohol itself (etanol) and in...
> Martyn writes,
> > Really?? Have you never drunk Jaegermeister? ;-)
> >
> I have! Now I understand why I enjoyed it so much. ;-)
> And what about Absint? I have never drunk it but I have heard some
> interresting things about it...
> Are you a Med-student? Then you could tell us some more...
> '
I had Absinth for the first time awhile back, a friend of mine had
bought a bottle of it in the Czech Rep, I believe. It was green and
tasted similar to Arrack. I got more high than drunk on it, well a weird
kind of drunk anyway. After we'd finished off what he had we were
craving more of the stuff - but we couldn't bring ourselves to drink the
homebrew I had with me.... I understand Absinth attacks your nervous
system somehow (as opposed to...?). Perhaps the toxicologist on this
list could enlighten us? I understand it's outlawed everywhere except
Portugal and Czech Rep, at least in Europe.
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