Calvert NEWS

VideoFest Berlin videofest at MEDIOPOLIS.DE
Sun Sep 29 15:14:34 EDT 1996

hi paul,

>Welcome to BOC-L Knut!
>I hope you have a big mailbox ;^)

thanks for the mailbox - I just overcame the initial mailbox-shock - to give
truth the honor I am thinking of sending the "set nomail" message ....
toghether with all my other mail traffic this is just to much. guess I
prefer to peek into the archives from time to time... - or do you manage to
read all that stuff???

Mediopolis Berlin e.V.
Potsdamer Strasse 96
D-10785 Berlin
Phone *49 30 262 87 14
Fax     *49 30 262 87 13
videofest at

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