OFF: Pink Fairies

J Strobridge eset08 at TATTOO.ED.AC.UK
Mon Sep 30 17:58:55 EDT 1996

Philosophical Phil writes:

> suggestion that it was someone from the Pink Fairies reminded me that I saw a
> review of their new album, Pleasure Island, in The Sunday Times newspaper.
> Even more amazing was the fact that they said it was good!

that's interesting!   I just read a review the other day in the C&D
catalogue that also said how brilliant this album was - even knowing
the capability C&D have for hyperbole the review was exceptionally
good.   Must admit I'm somewhat bemused having bought all the recent
Pinkwind/Pink Fairies issues and found them somewhat sub-standard
to say the least.  Perhaps miracles in the music world do exist......!


PS:  here's a quote from the review "....This is what musical excitement
is all about - forget Ash Ra, Ozrics, High Rise, Marble Sheep, Tangle
Edge & all, because the kings have returned.   This is what guitars and
drums were made for - totally awesome, mind-blowing and simply the best
track I've heard all year - phew!! - done live, this will be brain
warping!  So there we have it, psych CD and comeback of '96-no contest.
Need I say it ... essential and then some!"

how can I resist.... 8-)

J.D.Strobridge at                         eset08 at
                                                ELIJSA at


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