Free SpaceRock!

Marc Power mpower at FCMC.COM
Thu Apr 3 13:52:23 EST 1997

Greetings technicians of Spaceship Earth,
I play in a NY/NJ/PA area SpaceRock band called Born to Go and
in the interests of pan-planetary aesthetic dissemination
we would like to offer exclusive to the highly
educated ears of the ERPnotes and BOC-L membership,
a FREE sampler tape of our music, entitled
'This is SpaceRock'.

Featuring exotic off-planet artwork by ERP/BOC's own
spacy inhabitant, Baron Bloom and the highly cosmic sounds
of 'Born to Go'.

Mail me with your snail-mail address at mpower at
if you would like to receive this nifty little item, or
if you want to know more about 'Born to Go'.

Overseas applicants welcome.

Yours in the power Cosmic,

Marc Power

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