HW: Info on THE Dave from 69

Paul G Ward paul at PCMICRO.COM.AU
Fri Apr 11 10:54:00 EDT 1997

Hi All,

Rob Godwin (he of Griffin) asked me to pass this on ....


------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date:          Fri, 11 Apr 1997 09:50:25 -0700
From:          Robert Godwin <cgp at icom.ca>
Reply-to:      cgp at icom.ca
Organization:  CG Publishing Inc
To:            sonique at maxwell.pcmicro.com.au
Subject:       Hawkwind

Hi there,
Rob Godwin at Griffin here...do you know who it was that was looking for
Hawkwind adverts and concert info a while back???

Just found a curiosity from March 31st 1969 while researching a book
(not Hawkwind)

Dave Brock and Pete Judd opening for the Groundhogs at the Bluescene in
Twickenham. It's one of the earliest things I've seen advertising
Brocky. Thought you might like to pass the info onto the BOC list to see
if anyone needs it...



"If you quoted this quote you'd quote that it was not worth quoting"
Paul Ward,                     R & D Manager, P & C Micro's Pty Ltd
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