HW: apologies - Sonic Attack Cloth Bag over head

J Strobridge eset08 at TATTOO.ED.AC.UK
Mon Apr 14 18:58:41 EDT 1997

Ted Jackson jr. EL84 writes:

> being that collection is your avocation, and for you, it's money well
> spent.  No need to justify your habits to me or anyone else on this
> list...
> theo

yes - ok.  Sorry.

I guess it's because although it was a lot of money to spend, I don't
regret it for one minute and given that most everyone else I know
(present company excepted) will never understand why, I'm probably
way too sensitive about it.



J.D.Strobridge at ed.ac.uk                         eset08 at tattoo.ed.ac.uk
                                                ELIJSA at srv0.arts.ed.ac.uk

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