HW Wishart

Marc Power mpower at FCMC.COM
Thu Apr 17 10:59:46 EDT 1997

MarK Edmonds wrote about Bridgett Wishart:

> Actually, I found her voice quite irritating! It was too weak and
> feeble
> and I'm afraid that I find Alan and Ron's voices bad as well. Dave - if
> you`re out there - get back to more singing! Please!
> Mark Edmonds

Never heard Wishart (but perhaps I should, I like female vocals a lot)
but I have to run with you on Alan and Ron. However, after receiving
the Solstice video the other day and hearing Dave singing "Uncle Sams
on Mars", I have to say, bring back Calvert! (Only kidding Dave, I'm
sure it was just a bad day :) )

Alice, unpack the Ouija board!

'We were Born to Go, never looking back,
 We were Born to Go, leave a burning track'


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