BOC: Is it me (or did I watch too much TV)?

Ted Jackson jr. EL84 tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Thu Apr 17 15:53:36 EDT 1997

> From:          John A Swartz <jswartz at MBUNIX.MITRE.ORG>

> > (He).... had little
> > tolerance at all for anything else on the 2-disc set.  I'm not trying to
> > antagonize the BOC people, but some of these songs are really horrible, like
> > "The Marshall Plan," with its rock-anthem-cum-cliche about dreams of rock
> > and roll stardom.  It just seems dopey and tinged with an adolescent
> > romanticism.  Ditto with many of the other songs.
> Well, quite frankly, this person is broad-brushing the songs on WOTT
> based on "The Marshall Plan".  To imply that many of its songs are
> "dopey and tinged with adolescent romanticism" is just plain unfair.
> BOC may have had some of those, but certainly most of the cuts on WOTT
> are better than that.  Tracks like "Workshop of the Telescopes",
> "Harvester of Eyes" (hell, anything on *Secret Treaties*, and practically
> every track from that album is on WOTT), "Veteran of the Psychic Wars",
> "The Red & The Black", "Don't Fear the Reaper", I have to disagree...
> John

A case of your favorite brew says that that dude's a big Rush fan,
yet he's got the stones to trash BOC on BOC-L.  It's a world gone
mad, I tell ya...

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