HW: Sonic Attack Cloth Bag

\joe hawkjoe at EKA.ERICSSON.SE
Fri Apr 18 01:07:39 EDT 1997

>> >> doesn't know this is *the* rarest and highest ticket of hawk-items.
>> >
>> >Oh. I dunno about that.
>> >
>> >FoFP
>> I bow to your greater knowledge. Is there a clearly "rarest" item, then?
>> Would it be the Italian Hassan 7"? Do the BBC Transcription disc count?
>> Boots don't IMO, even if there are only 7 copies!
>its probably that acetate thingy that brian tawn is so fond of.  doesn't he
>have the only copy in existence?
>i don't remember what it is, but it was mentioned in one of the hawkfan
>issues, and i saw it mentioned on this list once...

Mind Journey.

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