HW:A Few Topics re:

Ron Jennings sprawl at STARLINX.COM
Mon Apr 21 19:11:35 EDT 1997

> If you unwittingly buy a stolen car, you lose the car, but you haven't
> broken the law.

maybe in your country,but since its impossible to "unwittingly" buy a
stolen car in the US,
one can expect to do some time. (titles, notaries,id, etc.)
recieving stolen property is a felony, i believe, and "i dint know" will
not save you.

> Few fans are going to get suckered by this. Only people who've never
> bought anything before and want to check the band out by only spending a
> coupla bucks.

i disagree. the band is currently digging up and restoring the carcasses of
long thought dead tunes, and someone who is not a rabid collector or tour
hound would not know. they would never convince me that it wasn't a
deliberate sleaze. if i hadn't heard the warning, and saw this
on the shelves in a cd store, i probably wouldn't have thought about it
long. IF i noticed the track
list, i would have wondered why i hadn't heard about them playing these
sets, but wouldn't have worried much about it till i got home, played it,
and ate it.

>That's actually what pisses me off about this, the fact
> that new listeners get the wrong impression of the band and don't go on
> to buy the next 78 albums. <g>

i agree whole-heartedly. and if you ask me, thats what should concern the
band and mngmnt
more than money issues.

> >>                                             The point is Emporio as
> >> as I know (at this stage) cannot be sued, forced to withdraw the disc
> >> even hand over any cash. (Not that there's going to be lot of cash
> >> involved in a record with a dealer price of around 1.50 UKP.)

probably not, but they most likely can and SHOULD be forced to change the
to say that its all previously released material, the dates, and get the
alien's (ron's)
image off of it.

> Actually, I think you're right here. Upon reflection the fact that the
> thing made the company 4 1/2 quid wouldn't prevent punative damages of
> thousands+ as was the case with Griffin recently with that Bowie disc. I
> doubt v. much if they netted a coupla million but I gather that's what
> had to be stumped up. As for Emporio being too big to get sued, no, I
> think they could be brought to book *if* they've broken the law, which I
> still don't think they have.

you may be right. they probably got a small town's population worth of
lawyers in-house,
so as to avoid that. i dont know nearly enuff about the law to even guess.
besides, whose laws
apply? this is international isn't it? britain's law, us law, or

my peeve is mainly this: you shouldn't have to issue a disclaimer when
turning a friend on to yer favorite band!

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