BOC: Collaborations of the Telescopes

Jon Jarrett jaj20 at HERMES.CAM.AC.UK
Thu Apr 24 09:57:19 EDT 1997

On Wed, 23 Apr 1997, Bolts of Ungodly Vision wrote:

> Given this recent discusssion on "The Marshall Plan,"  I was wondering how
> the creative process that went on behind that tune differed in respects to
> the only  other BOC written tune on record- WotT (and since it included SP
> in the credits, it is perhaps more of a representative of the group's work
> in the early days).  I've always felt that this song was a highwater mark
> for the group working as a whole in the composing side of the coin.  For
> me, the latter felt like an example of BOC saying "OK, let's show the
> audience (and ourselves) what the BOC sound is all about."

        I always thought similarly about the ST recording of ME262 -
though it isn't quite all the band in the credits, it really does sound as
if they were all enjoying themselves hugely recording it... a sound that
the later albums lack a bit. Maybe this is why the first three are top
choice of much of BOC-L over the better-produced later stuff. Two
penn'orth, anyhow,

 |         Jon Jarrett, Pembroke College, Cambridge                      |
 |         (01223 327450)                 jaj20 at         |
 | ======================================================================|
 |         "With Capitalism, man exploits man.  With Socialism, it is    |
 |           exactly opposite"               -Robert Anton Wilson        |

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