HW: Books

Andrew Gilham Andy_Gilham at MSN.COM
Tue Apr 29 03:22:59 EDT 1997

Ian asks

>>I'll recommend Deke Leonard (of Man)'s memoirs, _Rhinos, Winos, and
>where does one obtain a copy of this book?

I got my copy in Helter Skelter, which is a music bookshop in London - I think
they might do mail order if you can't order it locally (tel 0171-836 1151, 4
Denmark Street, London WC2), or maybe you can order it from your local
bookshop (ISBN 1-900711-00-1, Northdown Publishing).  It is worth tracking
down!  "A stirring saga of courage, endurance and almost breathtaking
stupidity," as the blurb has it!

- Andy

Andy Gilham/Andy_Gilham at msn.com/Andy_Gilham at compuserve.com

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