No news for some time

Ron Jennings sprawl at STARLINX.COM
Wed Apr 30 22:32:13 EDT 1997

> Here's my question:  This "Nikwind" band (or whatever) are only
> doing older material, right?  That is, are they writing anything
> new or are they only cashing in by playing old stuff?  I'd like
> to see them do something new creatively and then I would consider
> them a more viable commodity, even if I think they should change
> their name from Nik Turner's Hawkwind.

WE (the fans) call it Nikwind. Nik began calling his band "Nik Turner's
but changed it back to Nik Turner, or "Nik Turner's Space Ritual," after
seeing the
controversy that arose.  I believe some promoters and/or venues continued
to bill it as NT's HW.

They play the classic material, plus tunes from some of the members' own
Even tho there is not much new material, no one can say that it is not a
terrific show.
I would hardly say they are "cashing in" on anything. They don't get paid
very much for
North American gigs. I think they consider themselves lucky if they break

Advice- if you get the chance, see them. Take it for what its worth, and
you will enjoy yourself.

> And is the animosity between Nik and Dave cooling?  I saw a
> concert date which listed the both of them (on this mailing list),
> but because I don't know your geography, I didn't know where it
> was.  (Somehow, since I didn't know the locale, I also ended
> up not knowing the date, too.)  So I don't know if these were
> old shows or if they are upcoming.

No one here can speak for Nik or Dave on this matter. And if anyone does,
you can bet you're getting
an embellished report. Suffice it to say that Nik has made up with Doug
Smith.  Doug Manages both
bands now, so there may be dual gigs regardless of anyone's personal
feelings.  That's not to say that
they haven't patched things up.  I heard that they had, then heard that
they hadn't, then back and forth again, till I decided it wasn't my concern
and just went back to waitng for a new album.

I've even heard a rumour (pronounced ROOM-ERR) that Ron Tree was going to
play bass, and Nik was going to be the new front man for HW.    REPEAT:
ROOM-ER!  <<I am ignoring it, and think you should too>>


Its no measure of health to be well-adjusted to
a profoundly sick society.

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