OFF: Hey brits: Bob's Yer Uncle....

Ian R Fines ianfines at JUNO.COM
Mon Aug 4 17:28:59 EDT 1997

On Mon, 4 Aug 1997 11:17:32 +0000 Christian <cannibal at CUTEY.COM> writes:
>I've always wondered what the excact meaning of this british
>expression is!
>I know this much: a Bob used to be a penny or something, and has come
>mean a quid I believe... But what does the whole expression "Bob's Yer
>Uncle" mean???? Anyone care to explain :)? The british have the
>coolest slang!

my friends and I call marijuana "bob" when in example would
be: "Eric, would you like to have a quick hit of this BOB i have here?"
or "pass the bob" or "hide the BOB" or, in any bad situation: "swallow
the BOB dammit, and here, swallow the pipe too..."

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