Brain Surgeons - A Challenge
Ted Jackson jr. 6L6
tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Wed Aug 13 13:05:09 EDT 1997
> From: "BREVARD Adrian R." <abrevard at SHL.COM>
> As if Al and the Surgeons are not busy enough, I'd like to issue a new
> challenge to this hard working band. How about the Surgeons and
> Savatage combine talents and re-do the Imaginos saga. Listening to Dead
> Winter Dead I think Savatage could add an erie orchestral sound to the
> original songs and help finish off the unpublished ones in a way Al
> would appreciate. How about it Big AB, think you can find a few months
> in your schedule and undertake this project?
> L8er
> lil' ab
I'm all for a full-length treatment of the Imaginos saga, but I'm
leery of bringing in another band to do it. I'd rather see it done
like the existing Imaginos record, except with Al and tBS being a
core group for the project, and then bringing in guests to appear on
certain songs where needed. I think it would be too big a project
for another band to guest on, and that such an undertaking would take
a really long time, and that no band would want to give up their
current projects to be a part of it. If Al used guests, then he
could record things piecemeal, and each guest wouldn't need to learn
that much material...
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