Jada-jada at twelve o'clock high?
Dan Lindfors
lindfors at ALGONET.SE
Fri Aug 15 22:22:27 EDT 1997
At 20:57 1997-08-15 +0000, you wrote:
>Daniel skriver:
>>My God!!! Who was mixing up the countries in Scandinavia the last time?!?!
>>Now it's theo... [I'm so tiiiiiired...]
>Hey - it WAS theo last time! He didn't pay attention in geography class,
>- where are you theo?? Put your fingers on your desk while I take this
>ruler here....
>>Well, the bomb was placed in Stockholm (i.e the capital of Sweden -a little
>>nation in the north of Europe -approx. 8,5 million citizens, the country
>>invented the smorgasbord, the ombudsman and the mixed economy )
>Here's a bit of counter-propaganda, theo, pay atten-shun or your
>fingernails get another stroke!!:
>1) "smorgasbord" = table with slices of bread with various condiments on
> or placed next to them (sometimes in various states of biological decay).
> Eat sandwiches with knife and fork, and avoid the beer!
>2) "ombudsman" = beurocratic individual who gets paid by local beurocracy
>to investigate local beurocrat agencies upon complaints from ordinary local
>beurocratically inclined citizens, quite often about local beurocracy
>employees, agencies or officials.
>****PS!**** The Ombudsman would have become extinct if not for the
>Incredible Norwegian Invention: ***The paperclip!*** No joke! Take notes,
>3) "mixed economy" = system allowing one to kill oneself very
> expensively with high-luxury taxed alcohol and tobacco, and then
> spend your last days dying in a hospital for free, surrounded by
> good looking nurses.
>>mails from someone/ some people who call himself/themself "vi som byggde
>>Sverige" [we who built Sweden] and said that they are responsible for the
>>The same group placed bombs in one or two supermarkets in Gothenburg (second
>I heard about this. Weren't these people speculated to be a group
>of disgruntled retired folks??
>>...and Christian (i.e "Norrbagge" med stort och grovt ordförråd)... I'll
>>take care of you later... :-)
>Daniel: .....just.. don't mention.. ***THE WAR!*** :-)
>> mvh -Daniel Wikdahl
>>ps Christian... har kommer några till som jag glömde förrut, dom är
>>ganska grova men väldigt kul...
>>Åderpåk och Skäggbiff... gissa vad som betyder vad :-) ds
>Joda, fikk den mailen. Skaggbiff er jo utrolig harry hva?? Dødsbra! Fitte
>såklart! Åderpåk skal jeg skjekke.... Hadde flere ord men begynte å gå lei
>all banninga... Agor umpis kall brey mof? Gaga ill ni! Ni! Ni! Niii! Elgen
>elgen, jor jem ba bålla ostebonde vettu. Økles itær po åil ig etc.!
Ännu ett brev producerat under rus, är jag rädd!...
Skäggbiff och åderpåk!!! Herremin jesus.. uNDERBART! RPGOSAB!
En översättning kanske vore på sin plats, eller, nja det vete tusan...
How about a translation of these important swedish words? Hehe...
Också högst tacksam för Daniels intelligenta klargörande av vår
"terrorists" göranden!!!
(Fler utropstecken uppträder när man druckit sin lagoma dos, och
fortfarande hoppas på att uppleva Buck Dharma i Stockholm 1998. A dreaM?)
It was a very tiny bomb indeeed. And I love the Olympics. Stockholm 2004. I
have an apartment in the center of this city!
Dan (So what! M.D.)
__ __
/ `_' / ,,,
|[====|||||||||||[::} Dan Lindfors, lindfors at algonet.se
\__.-._\ '''
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