HW: Davey dusted?

John Majka flossbac at WCIC.ORG
Wed Aug 20 22:56:01 EDT 1997

PCP (Phencyclidine) was definitely formerly used as an animal tranquilizer.
In humans, it has a different effect, acting like a strong stimulant and
strong hallucinogen while reducing the ability to feel pain, thus explain
the footage you sometimes see of people on PCP breaking police car windows
with their fists, breaking bones in the process, and not seeming to mind.
People on this drug are wild and out of control most of the time, although
it does sometimes produce its hallucinogenic/anaesthetic effects without the
hyperkinesis.  Anyone who has actually used this drug more than a few times
is pretty likely to be screwed up, as it is about as good for the brain as
inhaling paint fumes (that is, not at all).  Alan Davey seems pretty with
it.  He can play his instrument and form a complete sentence, so it's
possible he may have tried PCP but I doubt he's done it more than a few
times at most.  I think he was just having a good laugh in the song,
introducing a different drug (other than hashish) into the lyrics for
entertainment value.  And if he was serious, he was perhaps referring to
some drug other than PCP.  From everything I've read/heard, the Hawks are
exclusively into natural plant drugs these days, nothing chemically
synthesized, although there is little distinction as many natural products
are just as damaging as those made in laboratories.  Nik was a heroin addict
for a long time, hiding heroin in his sax.  Terry Ollis and Lemmy were into
speed.  Everyone except Huw took acid regularly.  Huw's having had a drink
spiked with LSD was one of his original reasons for leaving the band.  I
recall reading an interview with Brock from around 1989 where he said the
band will sometimes brew up some psilocybin tea, or bake a hash cake, but
things are pretty tame otherwise.  Brock said that Needle Gun (Besides being
a manifestation of the Black Sword a la Jerry Cornelius) was about the
dangers of Heroin, which he considers evil.  And of course marijuana is a
basic staple.  Anyone know anything else about the Hawks' drug consumption?
John Majka
flossbac at wcic.org

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