tBS in Elmira
Ted Jackson jr.
tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Mon Dec 1 07:23:08 EST 1997
> From: "BREVARD, Adrian R." <abrevard at SHL.COM>
> John S.>Geez, I'm gonna have to give up trying to write reviews of tBS
> shows
> myself, what with all the talented writers here and all.
> Agree. Great review Theo. Keep this up and we may elevate you to Torgo
> status. A lofty acheivement when you consider Torgo's great album
> reviews.
> John S.>The only flaw in Theo's most excellent review of the Elmira show
> was no
> mention of the bottom end being held down by bassist David Hirschberg --
> sorry Theo, but NOBODY ignores the bassplayer on MY watch! ;-)
> Ah yes there is this little matter. Never forget the bass player Theo,
> we may have to report you to your own band member who plays this
> esential instrument. 8>)
> L8er
> lil ab
Yeah, I knew it was a mistake the second I finished re-reading it,
but then it was already sent!
Further observations about the Elmira gig:
I was impressed by how tight the band is. They know their material
by heart. Narry a missed beat or blown change the whole night. And
they were really grooving to the tunes. Of course, a packed house
full of enthusiastic fans helped out. I was a bit mystified by this.
I take it Billy has a big following in his hometown? Were people
who saw his old cover bands coming out to see tBS? Or is this joint
a favorite watering hole, and they all showed up anyway and were
simply blown out by tBS? It doesn't seem possible there'd be that
many tBS fans in one spot, given the fact that their discs aren't
readily available. Also, the crowd didn't look like typical heavy
rock fans or BOC-ers [though they all were familiar with the BOC
tunes]. Too many good-looking women in the crowd for a BOC gig! And
not dressed like rockers. [But who's complaining] Apologies to the
P.C. police...I thought it odd for such a healthy crowd, as the door
charge was kind of high for a relatively unknown band, yet it was
packed. A lot of stuff didn't add up, but what a great show! Tiny
bar--you'd have to go outside to change your mind. Couldn't have
been more than a hundred people there, but you could not move it was
so packed...
tBS ruled! People were beseiging all band members at the breaks.
tBS were very gracious and made time for everyone. Al's got quite a
personality. Very refreshing to see somebody who's been everywhere
and seen it all act like such a regular guy. Sold lots of CD, shirts
and hats, and the band dutifully autographed 'em all!
Deb has emerged as a truly threatening front person. And she's
playing a mean six-string these days too. Crowd was grooving to her
all night. They played two hard-working sets, both very long and
well paced. Good mixture of songs to keep the momentum at the right
A gas to hear tBS do a Skynyrd tune! I was wondering if 'maybe I
shouldn't have smoked that last bowl?' But no, that was indeed tBS
playing Simple Man. That was cool to hear...
"...it's legal, but it ain't a hundred percent legal..."
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