OFF: Ape

Jerry Guizar jguizar at EPIX.NET
Tue Dec 2 20:10:48 EST 1997

In <01bcff4f$b181bbe0$813e3bcb at>, on 12/03/97 at 02:25 AM,
   William Duffy <xl5 at IINET.NET.AU> said:

>After the movies there was a TV series, and two episodes (possibly the
>1st two) were strung together, and shown as a TV movie with the title
>Return to the Planet of the Apes.

   The TV series used to play on the Sci-Fi Channel. Don't know about now,
not having cable for a few years. It'd be great if they'd run one of those
marathons where they showed nothing but the series - with the movies right
before or after :)


jguizar at

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