BOC: Origins of the BOC aliases
Bolts of Ungodly Vision
scruto19 at POTSDAM.EDU
Wed Dec 3 18:18:38 EST 1997
Daniel queried:
>I think I should call me "Jesse Python" on a occasion like that.
>TA-DA! That's really back on topic! :-)
>What's the story behind BOC's alias? [aliases?]
>Prins Omega, J Python and Buck Dharma are the only ones I remember.
>Which are the other [two]?
Andy Winters (aka Andy Winters) and La Vern(I think thats A. Lanier). You
can thank Sandy Pearlman for that bit of madcappery. They might have to do
the Transmaniacon MC mythos or just a wacked out producer taking
strangeness far to seriously.
Q: Was the other pre-BOC release recorded by SWU or Oaxaca? also what was
so bad about that Fillmore show that made them change their name?
I'm no fool to call that a hog,
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