Off: Music help
Carl E. Anderson
cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Wed Dec 3 20:18:59 EST 1997
On ons 3 dec 1997 13.12 +0000 "Ted Jackson jr. 6L6"
<tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU> wrote:
> Plus a lot of people are apathetic toward the holocaust for other
> reasons. A buddy of mine's Ukrainian. He says: Holocaust?, big
> deal! Stalin slaughtered twice as many Ukrainians and nobody ever
> says a word about it. And we all know what Mr. Farakhan and other
> think about the holocaust...
Well, they should remember that if people can tryarbitrarily killing
off one group of people, they can try arbitrarily killing off another. By
publicizing and decrying genocide against anyone, we protect ourselves in
the long run ...
As a side note, Stalin's atrocities would have made good Cold War
propaganda in the US ... except that at the height of the Cold War, the
right-wingers in the US gov't probably approved of killing the kinds of
people Stalin killed! :/
No, in the West the Jewish holocaust in the best known mass atrocity,
but there are plenty of similar examples. Pol Pot comes to mind ...
Hell, the Mongols massacred shitloads of people back in the 13th
century--considering the kind of technology they had to work with, the
amount of people they offed is _scary_. There's scant limit to the horror
people can work on each other when they put their minds to it.
Carl Edlund Anderson
Dept. of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, & Celtic
St. John's College, University of Cambridge
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