Off: Music help

Christian Mumford cannibal at CUTEY.COM
Thu Dec 4 15:39:18 EST 1997

I think the use of the Swastika with Lemmy, Sid Viscious, Siouxie Sioux,
Laibach - the latter in particular - is also that its a symbol so firmly
drenched in the stigma of WWII it is bound to provoke on either side.
Whether it's "strategically" in the case of Laibach's powerful mish-mash
of symbols/ideologies/religion to create extremely unsettling commentary
on society and history, or with dumb old Sid, just to piss people off.
Lemmy, I would think has some dual idea of it: WWII and its insanity
but also in the solar context the individual's undisputed freedom and
potential power? Also I think the Swastika retains some sexual connotations,
God knows what, but a lot of pent up young men in uniform liked that
sort of power symbol I suppose (and still do). The early Siouxie & The
played with it in a kinky S&M context, and I for one cracked up first time
I saw Russ Meyer's "Up!" where Hitler enjoys a bit of the whip, not to mention
countless badass Nazi-biker go-go chick flicks of the 60s where the Swastika
looks fuckin HOT!!

swastika a-go-go,

At 02:21 04.12.97 +0100, you wrote:
>> But I can
>>> if someone believes Motorhead is a naziband.
>>     Only if they've never listened to the songs!
>I think we are getting upset! :-)
>Well, there's no need for that...
>I know I said something like "listening but not _understanding_"
>in my mail.
>I've met several people who listen to Motorhead and still think Lemmy&co
>are nazis.
>These are to kind of people which you don't debate with 'cos they're either
>too stupid or too dangerous. Often it's a combination of both.
>But I've got to admit that I don't understand the logic in what Lemmy was
>You got to help me there Carl. I've never thought Lemmy was a nazi -
that's why
>I felt it's hard to udnerstand the use of swastikas.
>Hrm. Guess I'll have to read all the mails once again, from the archives.
>                           mvh - Daniel
>>Carl Edlund Anderson
>>Dept. of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, & Celtic
>>St. John's College, University of Cambridge
>>mailto:cea20 at
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