HW: 1999 Party
John Majka
flossbac at WCIC.ORG
Fri Dec 12 06:36:15 EST 1997
>WOW! This is a really great CD! I am bit suprised that Nik is almost
>mixed out. You could not hear him at all in Brainbox pollution and in It's
>so Easy he should have been much louder. Did anyone notice Lemmy went into
>the bass line for Down thru the night at about 5:30 into Brainstorm. Boy,
>Nik is practially gone on Brainstorm. Was he really that bad that night or
>did Dave purposely mix him out?
>R. Scott Heller PhD
Thereby confirming once again the poopy mix! Nik is virtually inaudible,
the synths are mixed very low, Dave's guitar is mixed pretty low. It's all
vocals and bass! Ugh! How much better this album could have been with a
good mix job!
John Majka
flossbac at wcic.org
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