Fw: Re: HW: 1999 Party/DH
Jerome Kekatos
hawkwind at ZEBRA.NET
Fri Dec 12 23:12:10 EST 1997
>> >Did anyone figure out what that is on the cover?
>It's Nut, the Egyptian sky goddess. She's actually upside-down here - her
>body should be arched over the earth, forming the sky. The same picture
>was also used, the right way up, inside the Space Ritual foldout sleeve
>(and in one of the booklets in the remaster). You see variations on that
>design in lots of temples in Egypt.
>Not sure what the scarab underneath her is for.
Nut or Nuit, and Had or Hadit, the duality of the her - the circumference,
and he - the point. Or deeper; her - the limitless cosmos and he - the
finite consciousness. Reference the Budge books on the Egytian dieties
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