OFF: More Rush Bashing, Theo?

Ted Jackson jr. 6L6 tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Tue Dec 16 10:24:05 EST 1997

> From:          John Majka <flossbac at WCIC.ORG>
> band started going sour.  The first album of course is bad, and then the
> band got really good, and then more recently they've become abysmally bad.
> The music recently is extremely tired, cliched stuff, and the lyrics are
> worse!  Somewhere along the line I think Rush started thinking that they
> wanted to write more natural, intuitive sounding music, but they mistook
> this "naturalness" with just plain not trying/not keeping the internal
> quality control in the "on" position.  I think the last redeemable album was
> probably "Presto", but the rot had definitely already begun by this point.
> And  "Test For Echo"... well, it's just plain boring and dull.  Nothing
> about it makes me want to listen to it. And the lyrics... good god, that's
> awful stuff!
> John Majka

The problem with Rush is they started out as basic Zep clones, then
tried to shift gears into prog territory.  They have great ability as
players, but not nec. as composers.  I think that's why they are
starting to disappoint people.  They could get by on playing ability
for quite a while, but I think the absence of musical ideas is what's
undoing them now.   FWIW, I think Geddy's quite a bass player, and,
from what I've seen in interviews is a really nice guy.  The dudes in
Rush all seem to have a sense of humor when being interviewed, but
the albums are so humorless...


"I told you not to be stupid..."
--Ben S.

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