Ted Jackson jr. 6L6 tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Mon Dec 29 12:30:27 EST 1997

> From:          "BREVARD, Adrian R." <abrevard at SHL.COM>
> Saigon Kick is still Siagon Kick but is about to be called Flat under
> their new record deal.  Drummer now fronts Prunnella Scales, Matt ain't
> singing anymore and the Fabulous Jason Bieler has a solo album comming
> out.  Real dysfunctional band that makes some fine music when they want
> to.
So I take it jason just fired everyone, hired a new band, and likely
had to re-name the group to avoid legal shit?  Like Skynyrd 1991?
BTW, the new Van Halen disc is called Van Halen III.  Wonder if they
had to rename the band due to legal rancor?

> Theo> I hadn't heard of EWF...that's a kick.
> Haven't heard that EWF's latest album was released on CMC or have never
> heard of Earth Wind and Fire?  Damn good group in their day.  'Course

I saw 'em live way back when.  Back when they'd mix up all different
style bands on one show...

> Theo> Given the talent level, both in terms of playing and
> songwriting ability, it's amazing BOC haven't caught on somewhere.
> Just fell through the cracks I guess.  And given the state of their
> [mis] management, we're lucky they haven't disappeared from sight
> altogether...
> Agree on all points above, except they also have to have the desire to
> do this.  Look at the Rollling Stones.  Numbers show they made almost
> $90 million on their Bridges to babylon Tour last year, No., 1 by a wide
> margin.  Yet sales of the album were practically nothing.  Seems people

That's very interesting, and typical of the Stones.  For a band
who've made so much money, their records don't sell all that well.
The last one's been heavily panned across the board.  I guess their
tours have achieved mythical status.  Huge production and they play
enough old material reasonably competently to keep reeling the
suckers in...

> will pay to see you but can care less about the product your putting
> out.  BOC is pretty much the same.  They were always a kick ass live
> outfit and we continue to see them any chance we get.  Perhaps if we
> stopped attending gigs they would be more concerned with putting
> something out.  Radical concept but not one I endorse.
Thing is, the Stones suck live as well as on record, but it doesn't
seem to matter!  Put a 20-foot inflatable dick in your act and people
will forget everything else!  I think the Stones, being on the first
wave Brit. invasion appeal to lots of geezers.  Then, on strength of
stage gimmicry, they cultivated some younger fans who've stayed the
course, and brought some of their younger fans along to the shows.
MHO, nothing to back it with...

> Theo>Hey, anyone care to speculate what the BOC stand-up AB has
> suggested
> would look like?
> Not sure what your talking about here.  I for one would love to have a
> contest to name the new album.  I can't really think of anything now
> except perhaps BOC II.
You know, that lifesize cardboard cutout in the stores?  EB astride
his hawg?  BD in his spacesuit?  Allen...just being Allen!

> Good tBS review Torgo!

Wish you'd been there, dude.  A helluva show from a helluva band!


"I told you not to be stupid..."
--Ben S.

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