Off: Da Stones

Ted Jackson jr. 6L6 tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Wed Dec 31 09:19:41 EST 1997

> From:          "BREVARD, Adrian R." <abrevard at SHL.COM>

> OK not slangin' just making a point ("Bevais and Butthead", "tough shit"
> hmmmm.).  Same thing I was doing, agreeing to Theo's point.  I won't
> skrag your like for this or any other band, freedom of speech and all.
> Nor will I deny that Stones have to be one of the most successful bands
> in history, $90 million on the recent tour is proof enough.  However,

Seems like a lot of people bought a lot of New Kids on the Block,
Vanilla Ice and Spice Girls records over the ages too!  Financial
success is hardly the measure of any band's work.  I'd drive all over
the northeast to see tBS who probably are about as wealthy as I am,
while I won't go the Stones later this month when they're playing my
home town.  I think Keef's been a very influential musician over time
and has written plenty of great songs in his day.  He just hasn't
done anything much the last 10 years or so.  Face it, the Stones are
Mick's group, and he's the main reason for these absurd tours.  I
figure to vote with my feet:  The Stones aren't getting any of my
money, so if other people want to go to their show, it's nothing to
me.  If they can convince themselves they've just had a wonderful
concert experience, more power to them!

> bottom line, the Stones SUCK!  That is just my (and at least one other)
> opinion.  We can let it go at that. Except for the little thing Theo and
> I were talking about, Mick and the boys ain't worth the bandwidth.
> lil' ab
> OBCD - Sea Level, Best of...

Hey AB, is this one of the new Capricorn reissues?  They're putting
out all the early Allmans stuff remastered, as well as SL!


"I told you not to be stupid..."
--Ben S.

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