OFF: Screams and things

Johan Edlundh hawkjoe at EKA.ERICSSON.SE
Mon Feb 3 13:39:14 EST 1997

At 16:56 1997-02-03 +0000, you wrote:
>In message <Pine.PMDF.3.95.970203213919.539128931I-100000 at rubens.its.uni
>>, Troy Harris <tlh at RUBENS.ITS.UNIMELB.EDU.AU> writes
>>  Yes, yes, yes.  The *only* decent screamers are all heavy metallers.
>>You want screams?
>Or how about Duncan Mullett of Mournblade in the intro to Titanium Hero?
>Except only me and Andy are going to remember that one! <grin>

but it's defeated by the primal scream that introduces "We Are The Road
Crew" @ _No Sleep 'til Hammersmith_

>Jon Browne


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