OFF: mailing

Alex S. Garcia artefact at IMAGINET.FR
Tue Feb 4 16:03:34 EST 1997

>Can anyone tell me why I get replies to messges sent to mailing list sometimes
>before the actual messge get's send to me via the mailing list. Topday I sent
>a messge and got a reply the nalter on reviced the messge I sent. Also
>sometimes when other people reply to toher people's messges I get them replyed
>version before the orginal.

That's just how mailing-lists work in general. Messages get dispatched all
over the world and according to different factors, they don't reach everyone
at the same time. So even if you haven't received your own message yet, it
doesn't mean that no one else got it. That's why you can sometimes receive
an answer before you even see the question. I hope that helped...

Alex S. Garcia.

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