OFF: Rush? In defense of John
Alex S. Garcia
Wed Feb 5 23:34:27 EST 1997
>Dear RJ, and some others,
> I believe John made his observation from what was presented by
>BOC/HW fans... so tell me how he can he be wrong? In the past couple of
>months people were asked to post there top 10 albums. Guess what... a very
>high percent ( a safe estimate would be 85% or more ) of the people on this
>list did mention bands such as Bad Company, Kansas, and even Reo Speedwagon.
>So how is his observation wrong? I observed the same lists of top tens as
>he and the rest of you. As far as the dates that the bands functioned in, I
>don't think that is the real point of his statement. It is the type of
>bands... It doesn't mean they suck or anything; it was just an general
>observation of what the average person on this list likes. When I hear some
>of you say stuff like Dream Theater or Queensryche it says a lot about what
>type of music you like as if I were to say The Pixies or Superchunk...
>anyone who has an idea what those bands are like is safe to say that they
>have a general idea what I like or where I am coming from with my tastes.
>Sure I like a million different things ( ok maybe not a million )but if
>someone said that I generally like stuff in an "indie rock" genre it is a
>perfectly legit thing to say.
Now wait a minute here. You're totally beside the point. The issue here is
not whether we like this type of music or this other type. The issue is that
John has clearly stated that people who liked "this" kind of music were
"narrow". Sure, he can wonder all he wants about people's tastes, there's
nothing wrong with that, but judging people "narrow" because of those tastes
seems to me quite extreme. And, if it comes down to this, I'd say John is
just as narrow as any of us.
Furthermore, I'm sorry, but I have to ask : why isn't John himself
reacting ? why is it YOU have to take his "defense" ?
Now, please note that I'm not angry or flaming, only upset - and
more so because of your post.
Alex S. Garcia.
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