Rush? In defense of John
Carl E. Anderson
cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Thu Feb 6 05:38:16 EST 1997
> Assuming BOC-L is a representative sample of anything but itself is a
> decidedly dodgy assumption, in my view! (For a start, because the hawkfans on
> the list are fans of *current* HW - fans who didn't jump ship after Lemmy or
> Bob left - I feel the later albums score much more highly compared to the
> early albums than they would from an "unbiased" panel.
To steer the conversation off in another random direction, I
tend to like modern Hawkwind almost as much as Lemmy-era. I'd like them
almost the same if it weren't for the superabundance of electronic filler
on the modern albums and corresponding lack of guitar 'n' bass driven
blanga. I'll put "Mask of Morning" and live versions of "Out of the
Shadows" and "Sputnik Stan" up there with _HotMG_ and such like ...
Carl Edlund Anderson "So that's Terra. Oohwee,
cea20 at look out wenchlings, here come the Hawklords."
Dept. of ASNAC, University of Cambridge -Lord Lemmy (Hawkwind)
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