OFF : Henry Cow

Jerry Guizar jguizar at EPIX.NET
Thu Feb 6 18:17:54 EST 1997

In <AA5JsIAbtg+yEwhx at>, on 02/06/97 at 04:48 PM,
   Jon Browne <jon at COMICS.DEMON.CO.UK> said:

>In message <199702061339.NAA07193 at>, Dave Berry
><daveb at HARLEQUIN.CO.UK> writes
>>I don't think there are many personnel links between HW and the others.
>>There are a couple of links via Gong, but even those are fairly minor.

>No, fair enough, but would you find it odd that someone into HW would
>also like Henry Cow? I suppose they're not that similar when I think
>about it but I've always lumped them together. (File under English
>Hippies 1973-76)

   I thought Henry Cow was the one who started RIO (Rock In Opposition).
I think it's an acquired taste - you either like him or hate him. The
others I got into when I was buying stuff from the Canterbury scene
(starting with Soft Machine).


jguizar at

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