OFF:Music Addictions

bart bart at AEOLIANS.BT.CO.UK
Mon Feb 10 06:38:43 EST 1997

>           All this talk of diverse bands and what people are into is
>           interesting. Personally, I can't stand RUSH after 1980 and to
>           even consider them progressive rock nowdays seems ridiculous.
>           Anyway, like many on this list I am totally addicted to music and
>           try to hear as much new and old stuff as I can.  Here is a list
>           of what new music I got in the month of January. I realize this
>           is probably as much as some on the list get in a year. Shows how
>           bad the addiction is... All this is coming to an end when I move
>           to Denmark though, as I will not be able to take all my music.
>           SCott
>           UPDATES FOR JANUARY 1997

< collossal list deleted >

Erm, Scott, this prompts the question. How can you possibly listen to all
this ?! Even if you have it playing every waking moment you'd barely get
through it all. And since this intake is just one month, how'd you get the
time to listen to anything more than once ?

Of course, if you don't listen to it all, then the question is more that
your addiction is to do with procurement rather than music itself. Then I'd
suggest shifting focus to something cheaper, like beer mats :-)



one question in the list though -

>           ERIC JOHNSON- SEVEN WORLDS (US 1978)

Is this perchance the guitarist (Ah Via Musicom, etc) ? Seems too early to
be the same bloke.

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