HW: Codex & Discography booklet

Paul Mather paul at CSGRAD.CS.VT.EDU
Mon Feb 10 23:38:20 EST 1997

On Tue, 11 Feb 1997, Paul G Ward wrote:

> I'm just wondering what the general consensus is on the how much folk would pay
> for a bound copy of the Hawkwind Codex and Discography. The problem is the
> trimming and binding. I've spoken to a few printers, and they;ll all do it
> relatively cheaply, but they also all charge a flat set-up fee. That means that
> if I only get say 5 made at a time, the total cost is a little over $A10 (that's
> about $8 USD or 4.60 pounds sterling). I can't really afford to fork out the
> extra to get more than that printed and bound at one time.
> So I have two options:
> 1) Offer it at say $A12 (plus postage)
> 2) Offer it for a little under $A1, but wait until I have enough paid orders
> before    producing them (which could result in significant delays)
> What does everyone think?

Personally, I think the Hawkwind Discography and Codex change so rapidly
(what with new compilations and releases coming out all the time), I see
little point in having a printed copy.  I have a hard enough time keeping
my electronic version up to date, so I don't think I'd stand any chance
with a paper one (if it were in a loose leaf binder I might have a
chance).  My feeling is that it would probably be out of date by the time
you shipped it.  IMHO.

Sorry to appear to sound so negative, but I thought I'd just mention those
issues for consideration.

Declared bias: I am a digital libraries researcher, so I tend to shy away
from paper anyway. ;-)



obCD: Sun Dial, _Return Journey_

e-mail: paul at csgrad.cs.vt.edu                    A stranger in a strange land.

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