OFF: What is progressive ?
Wed Feb 12 08:32:31 EST 1997
> Just had a thought on why some bands once regarded progressive no longer
seem to be.
> Nowadays, when you enter CD shops you find heavy metal & hard rock bands
like Deep
> Purple & Black Sabbath, who have been around quite some time, cataloqued
under the main
> section of Rock/Pop. Whereas current artists like silverchair & Pearl Jam
are in the
> Heavy Metal section (in West Australia anyway).
> These bands are no more or less heavy than their predecessors.
> I've also looked on various internet CD stores, and found some with
categories labelled
> Progressive. Yet in these categories, there are no names I am familiar
with. Meanwhile,
> King Crimson, Man, Faust, Can, Amon Duul, Soft Machine, etc., are all
under their main
> section of Rock/Pop, along with Michael Jackson & Tina Turner.
> It's the same with how many of the artists we appreciate would have been
the Alternative
> or Independent band in their early years.
i think maybe its because these young whipper-snappers who run the record
shops nowadays
are unfamiliar with the bands,and place them in the first bin that occurs
to them. also,a lot of catalogues
tell a merchandiser where to file their could also be a
marketing ploy,where the marketeers
figure most progressive fans are going to buy the classics anyway,if they
havent already, and want
to give them new material when they look in the specialy bins.
i have another question.... why does it seem like the music that gets
the "alternative" label slapped
on is always the hardest to get away from? i mean if its plastered all over
the airwaves,its hardly alternative,isnt it?
another BTW- concerning (this) HWfan being (appearing to be) stuck in the
70's or 80's with his musical taste... one reason might be that i refuse to
purchase material that i can hear at any time,by merely turning on the
radio. the more radio play something gets,the less likely i am to buy it.
this is not to say that i dont listen,just that after hearing a song four
times a day,i get sick of it real fast.
and a level of resentment comes up,because i would like to hear a variety
of i then find myself sick of the band... i mean u can argue;
well,yer collection is made up of only 30 or so bands,dont ya get sick of
them? but no i dont,because the bands i listen to all have huge catalogs
or lots of friends and relations. ENOUGH BABBLING,RJ!
> The reason I feel this happens is because it may be like a promotion. You
have been
> around so long, that you are no longer required to hide in the obscure
sections that
> only certain people would be viewing.
> As soon as they have matured, they are moved to a different category.
> At one time, Tangerine Dream & Brian Eno would be in the Progressive
section. Now they
> are in New Age.
> William
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