HW: >any< news????????
Paul G Ward
Wed Feb 19 17:49:52 EST 1997
On 19 Feb 97 at 14:35, RJ wrote:
> hi.
> again i am looking for any news concerning lineup status,and the summer US
> tour. there are several of us US fans trying to arrange gigs for the tour, and
> we are afraid to do anything,for fear of a cancellation. a false start would
> likely kill any hope for doing the same in the future... please help out if ya
> can. havent heard a single thing of use in TOO long... rj
I've been waiting for feedback from Doug for about 3 weeks now .... he had some
hassles with a memberof his wive's family passing away, but that was two weeks
ago. I *did* get an email from Doug saying that he was having trouble getting
email working, but I've had no reply to my response to that message ...
Star_Rats: Do you know what's happening????
"If you quoted this quote you'd quote that it was not worth quoting"
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