Way off...Lambert
Thu Feb 20 06:26:21 EST 1997
in reference to the following. any actor worth his salt should be able to
drop any accent with practise.
or speak in any dialect. just my oppinion.
sure,some can not lose their own accent,and still deliver intended emotion
and all...but
imo they are only worth half an actor.
> Who said he learned to speak English at all! Whatever his origin,
> the guy must have something going for him, he's married to Diane Lane
> Mel Gibson's an American too, though he can speak without the OZ
> accent when he wants to.
> Tim Roth IS English, and struggles with an American accent.
it seems to me that a US (yankee) accent would be hardest to master by
people who speak english
in another flavor. because its flat,and near phonetic. me, i have a mutt
accent. no one can tell where
im from,because i have lived in too many regions.
> Kenneth Branaugh did an amazing job copping an American accent in
> 'Dead Again.' Hey maybe he'd be a good candidate for your role--he
> already played Dr. Frankenstein...
> theo
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