BOC-L T's was Re: hw
Paul Mather
Mon Jan 6 13:37:01 EST 1997
Tim writes:
> Having painted both designs, let me be the first to same I'm not completely
> happy with either of the outputs, though Mike's UK shirt (Hawk & stones)
> faired better than the US one. The latter lost a lot in translation and like
> some people have commented, there's a bit too much going on.
Faired better? Not in my case. Read on if you will...
I remember the most fuss being made over the ME262, with some people
refusing point-blank to wear anything with "fascist war machinery" on it.
(Personally, it was the slogan on that shirt that most irked me. I
*still* much prefer "Some Enchanted Network" even if the scans didn't
quite reveal the loving computer networking detail you wove into the
calligraphy on one of your aborted designs that bore that slogan.:)
Anyway, regarding my "ME262"-flavoured NetHawks t-shirt, a friend of mine
here remarks "oh, I see you're wearing your "Nazi" shirt today" whenever I
wear it. But it is *not* the ME262 she is referring to in reference to
"Nazi." In fact, she doesn't even know what an ME262 is. Ironically, it
is the blood-red "Hawkwind" eagle that draws the "Nazi" tag. Oh well...
My other Nethawks t-shirt doesn't fare much better. She calls that one
"the penis shirt" because she claims the "standing stones" are actually
penises. :-)
Oh how innocent intentions are so wildly misconstrued... :-)
(Mind you, none of that is as bad as being accused of actually *being* a
Nazi by a roommate just because you listen to Laibach!)
> Anyway, what I was going to do last year was repaint (hopefully a bit more
> proficiently) the second design, possibly dropping the Me262. Secondly, I was
> toying with the idea of doing the painting on a transparency, allowing for
> shirts to be in various colours apart from black, which was another downer of
> the originals. (Dunno about you, but I've been to enough gigs to have a whole
> shitload of black T's already :-) I don't know enough about the actual
> printing of shirts to say whether a single transparency would be sufficient -
> anybody ???
I don't know enough about printing shirts either, but if you printed using
a halftoning process, you could print a huge number of colours using only
four screens---one for each of cyan, yellow, magenta, and black. I don't
know how coarse a halftoning cell you'd have to use, though, so the
quality might not be as good as using one screen per colour. I imagine
that economics require some kind of halftoning for printing photorealistic
images on t-shirts, and surely those "your picture on this t-shirt" deals
halftone the image?
> BTW Paul, whatever happened to the originals of the 2 aborted designs ? Don't
> worry, I don't want them back !
I still have them, carefully stored in the original cardboard mailing
tube, along with Jill's proposed design, too. I believe they currently
reside in the UK.
obCD: Laibach, _Let It Be_
e-mail: paul at A stranger in a strange land.
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