OFF: RIP UWP lyrics archive

Chris Baxley Chris_Baxley at SONYMUSIC.COM
Thu Jan 9 15:33:00 EST 1997

>>Mike "Sick of politicians, harrassment and laws..." Holmes

> Martyn "All we do is get screwed up on other peoples' floors" White

I listened to this song last night, and I'm sure I hear  "All we do is get
screwed up by other people's FLAWS".

This seems apt  to our discussion of the evils of governments who legislate
morality: they use the flaws
of society's most vulnerable elements to justify laws restricting everyone.
Even if it's just a minority of the population
who can't handle the sight of a naked human on the internet, or the
experience of a psychoactive substance, then we
must all be prevented from such things.  Free thinkers become ensnared in
laws targeting society's lowest common
denominator.  I can certainly relate to HW's response (assuming I
understand what they meant.)

"Who are the Brain Police?"  -- FZ


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