HW: Videos

Johan Edlundh hawkjoe at EKA.ERICSSON.SE
Fri Jan 10 01:23:48 EST 1997

At 20:38 1997-01-09 -0700, you wrote:
>Will someone please re-post the website that has the Hawkwind videos-I
>looked at the page, printed out some of it for a friend-then failed to
>bookmark it!!!! ( Idiot me)
>Thanx in advance!!!
>also- I've now tried to get "Warrior on the edge of time " Twice now,
>and both copies were Pendragon's first album, Although the cover, liner
>& cd all said Hawkwind. Is there a place where I can get the real one???
>This is crazy!
>Keep rockin'

hi Pam,
try http://www.visicom.demon.co.uk/ for the visionary site.

I would gladly trade one false "Pendragon/Warrior..." with something else
Hawkwindish - are you interested..?

\\joe - demented hw kollektor

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