BOC: Another (worthless?) Compilation...
John A Swartz
Tue Jan 14 08:24:35 EST 1997
John> Tracks are all from the original studio albums and are as follows:
John> The Reaper, Godzilla, Transmaniacon MC, Goin' Through the Motions,
John> Hot Rails to Hell, The Red and the Black, In Thee, Before the
John> Kiss, 7 Screaming Diz-Busters
Mike>"Goin' Through the Motions" -- how appropriate. ;-)
Yeah, but understand that BOC may have very little to do with this
album -- BOC is no longer on the Sony label, but Sony obviously has
rights to release this stuff. Like *Career of Evil: The Metal Years*
and *On Flame With Rock and Roll* (although yes I know it had the
single version of "Career of Evil" with the altered lyric), there is
not much reason for someone who has the entire BOC catalog to pick this
one up. But hey, it's another album with "The Reaper" on it - maybe BOC
will set some kind of record for the most albums with the same song on it?
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