OFF: Silly laws in the UK

Hawkwind Star_rats at HAWKWIND.COM
Sat Jan 18 15:21:21 EST 1997

>>BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!  I can't believe it.  You Brits have to pay for a
>>*license* to watch the telly!  (I know, it's a license to *have* a telly,
>>but I heard about the numerous people who've been arrested for watching
>>someone else's television w/out a license.)
>That's not true. You have the license to own a TV and that's it. You no-
>one's ever been done for watching someone else's.

I totally agree with everything Jon said in response to this statement, and
having lived in the US for the past two years I feel I can comment on both
the US and UK TV networks.

The UK system is by far and away better in quality and service. It drives me
mad watching TV here in the US; the adverts are just *so* annoying. The
license fee also covers advert free radio (5 BBC stations), the BBC World
Service  and supurb live sport coverage.

We even shelled out on cable a few months ago, mainly for the sport coverage
(which I found to be pretty bad) and I'd rather pay for a TV license instead
of cable anyday of the week.

I thought ITV was bad until I came here - those of you in the UK should
never complain about ITV's adverts again:)

I have found the 'off' switch and use it regularly, before anyone tells me
to use it.

Of course, the BBC does put on some really crap stuff - one of the things
you don't get in the US is the Australian Soaps - but at least there are
only 2 channels of crap at any one time rather than 57 channels of crap all
at the same time.

There you are - I've had my moan for the month:)

Star Rats

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