HW: cassettes?
Carl E. Anderson
cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Mon Jan 20 08:00:34 EST 1997
> > Hawkwind - `Hawkwind' (genuine UA release, now running
> >again after it refused to play to Carl the other night... )
> This is a hazard of playing HW tapes to Carl - I tried to play him the most
> excellent Calvert-vocal, keyboard-heavy, "Brainstorm" off Weird 105 last year,
> and it steadfastly refused. It was fine in the car later on, though! :)
I must be sending out weird interference ...
And speaking of weird interference, I might as well probe for
info on the release of the Weird Tapes to CD.
Hey, and over the holidays I got an incredible live tape from Reading
1992 (courtesy of Scott Heller--thanks Scott!). Obviously a soundboard
recording and damn fine sounding. This entire bloody concert should have
been released on a double CD. It's the best post-HotMG Hawkwind I've heard,
I think. Man, I mean, Dave was playing _loads_ of guitar. Did the gain
knob fall off his amp between then and now or something? That show must
have been the three piece lineup, just post-ET, but it _rocked_.
Carl Edlund Anderson "So that's Terra. Oohwee,
cea20 at cus.cam.ac.uk look out wenchlings, here
http://wjh-www.harvard.edu/~canders/hem.html come the Hawklords."
Dept. of ASNAC, University of Cambridge -Lord Lemmy (Hawkwind)
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