BOC: Various thoughts of the day

Alex S. Garcia artefact at IMAGINET.FR
Tue Jan 21 22:30:34 EST 1997

>As far as a warning welcoming message, well, that's probably not appropriate.
>There is mention of the FAQ, which I suspect might be helpful for some
>people to get the idea that some topics could be sensitive.
>I don't support the idea of telling people certain topics are "off-limits".

Yeah, you're right. I guess the FAQ should be enough. I did read it myself
before I posted anything to the list.
        BTW, is the new revised version up yet ?

>But, Buck
>did hint last year of releasing some stuff outside of BOC, and my
>suspicion is that it will happen sooner or later.

I hope so. I think it'd be very interesting. Hmm...

>But, his first priority
>right now musically is BOC.

Quite likely indeed, especially with the new album in the works...

Alex S. Garcia.

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