OFF: Silly laws all over the world

Chris Warburton desdinova at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed Jan 22 08:16:14 EST 1997

Martin wrote:
>As someone who has been watching British TV on and off for some 35 >years (I
can't quite remember when I started!) I would say that there >is very little
difference between the supposed 'state' TV channels >and those funded by
advertising.  When it boils down to it the >interests of government and the
corporate world are the same, and >this is reflected in the basic similarities
between commercial and >uncommercial.  The major difference, to my mind, is
that the >commercial populist channel is far tackier than the uncommercial
>populist channel, but that is hardly surprising.

Absolutely; but the BEST of the BBC is still outstanding TV,  but the so-called
"mission to explain" seems to have reduced 'edutainment' to a lowest common
denominator sludge (How Do They Do That? - fer cryin' out loud!) - with a few
notable exceptions (Horizon, RI Xmas lectures).  It also worries me that an
increasing proportion of the programmes that I truly enjoy are of US origin -
serious pause for thought.

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