OFF - CD Swap?

Jon Jarrett jaj20 at HERMES.CAM.AC.UK
Thu Jan 23 08:39:19 EST 1997

On Wed, 22 Jan 1997, Carl E. Anderson wrote:

> > If you still have a copy of the UK Club Ninja, I would like to buy
> > it from you.  Sorry, I have nothing to trade.
>         I was going to mention that I saw one of these for sale as a
> cheap cut-out in the Cambridge market today ... I can take a look
> again for it (unless jazza beats me to it ;)  It was about 4 quid,
> I think.

Don't worry, Carl, I'm _trying_ not to buy music this term. That said,
there ius also on another stall in Cambridge Market a Tangerine Dream CD
called `Electronic Meditation' - going cheap. Is it a good idea to get
this, being as the band will be new to me? I'm sure one of the
knowledgeable people of BOC-L can help me decide...

 |         Jon Jarrett, Pembroke College, Cambridge                     |
 |         (01223 327450)                 jaj20 at        |
 | =====================================================================|
 |      "There's nothin' more dangerous than a wounded mosquito."       |

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